
Customer Experience & Digitalization

Customer experience is the key issue for any organization to remain competitive

In today’s globalized world, an inspiring, comfortable and consistent customer experience is absolutely crucial. A convincing product or service alone is no longer enough.
Products are becoming interchangeable, prices more competitive and markets more transparent for customers. This makes it all the more important to precisely record and correctly analyze customer requirements. Only a consistently orchestrated customer journey fills the brand experience with ever new life across all touchpoints. This is the only way you can clearly differentiate yourself from your competitors and establish long-lasting customer relationships.

An appealing customer experience is essential, especially in a dynamic and competitive environment. It is key to attracting new customers and the means to maintain and further develop customer relationships, because customers’ expectations of customer experience are increasing while barriers to switching to the competition are decreasing.

The more enthusiastic and consistent your customer experience is across all touchpoints, the more convinced your customers are and the more frequently they interact with your company. It is important to recognize emotions and desires at an early stage and to react to them quickly. To do this, you have to reach your customers in every situation. All touchpoints, both online and offline, should be seamlessly connected to a stringent customer journey that is adapted to a wide range of needs and should lead to the goal with as little interruption as possible.

But what do you need to achieve this and be successful in the long term? How do you know what moves your customers, why they buy – or not? Our many years of expertise in the digital world make us the specialists you need: We help you generate customer insights and analyze and optimize your customer journey. We know (or recognize) the needs of your digital target group. We are able to design stand-alone customer experience management tailored to your needs. In addition, we plan the right technological infrastructure with you. Together we clarify organizational issues that are essential for a successful shift to customer centricity. All this to bring your company forward in the long term.

Ihre Nachricht an

    Jasmin Cornelsen
    Jasmin Cornelsen
    Associate Partner
    Ira Schaefers
    Ira Schaefers
    Ihre Nachricht an

      Our strengths in the areas of

      Customer Experience & Digitalization

      Customer Insights, Personas & Analytics

      Who is your target group? What are they up to? Where is the best place to find them? What do you do with all the data that your customers are already generating today?

      Detailed knowledge of your customers and their interactions is the basis for everything, i.e. for any targeted positioning of products, services and all customer interactions. We help you to generate the necessary insights into your target group(s) and make them usable in your company. Taking your individual knowledge goals into account, we derive suitable recommendations for action. Finally, we accompany you in the development of concrete measures and their implementation.

      Customer Journeys and Touchpoints

      Do you have an overview of all touchpoints of your customers? What should their ideal customer journey be like? Where are their key jumping-off points and moments of truth?

      In the interaction with companies and brands, customers keep gaining experiences and adventures. These take place at individual touchpoints along their entire customer journey: From the initial contact to the conclusion of the purchase, but also in the subsequent interactions, such as service or repurchase.

      We help you to fully analyze your existing customer journey, including all touchpoints. Based on this, we optimize the journey with the necessary measures. This is the only way you can offer your customers an improved customer experience, increase customer satisfaction and reduce the churn rate in the long term.

      Marketing Automation & Process Optimization

      Do you respond optimally to the current needs of your customers? Can you react quickly enough when these needs change spontaneously?

      Do not lose any potential here! Marketing automation enables you to address your customers in a personalized way. And that without putting a heavy burden on the organization and processes. The loss of leads is minimized and everyone is provided with the information they really need in a targeted manner. This is how you turn “one-time customers” into loyal customers.

      We are your partner on the way to data-driven marketing. We accompany you in the collaborative development and conception of a suitable automation strategy. And we remain consistently at your side: from the selection and implementation of the right tools to the definition of the organization required for this in order to efficiently put your marketing engine into operation.

      Customer Experience Management

      Professional customer experience management is the basis for sustainably increasing sales – with the same budget. But how does that work in detail?

      A uniform customer experience across all channels offers customers exactly what they want. The central control promotes synergies and improves the performance of each individual channel. Consistent use of data enables the development of targeted measures to sustainably increase customer lifetime value. With uniform, cross-channel pricing and constant cross-selling, you increase the added value of your company. And – last but not least – through cross-departmental cooperation, your company will be more innovative and agile and can react much more flexibly.

      We support you by analyzing your current situation, identifying touchpoints and, together with you, creating clear structures and channels. Our many years of expertise guarantee you the development and implementation of an efficient management system tailored precisely to your customers.

      Marketing Technology (& Collaboration)

      Can your IT efficiently map and achieve the current tasks and goals of your marketing and sales? Do you have a digital strategy for integrating new requirements in your IT landscape and how to implement them promptly? Is your marketing technology stack set up in such a way that all tasks can be processed quickly and securely?

      In view of the multitude of possibilities on the market, we support you in the selection of exactly the marketing technologies that are of outstanding importance for your goals. We explicitly show how the decisions made will significantly simplify the work of your employees.
      We show how difficult processes can be simplified, how the effects of marketing activities can be measured better and more precisely, and how marketing budgets can be used more efficiently. Together with our cooperation partners, we are able to offer you an extremely comprehensive range of services, even beyond our own consulting focus.

      Weitere Informationen zu ausgewählten Themen erhalten Sie hier:

      Dr. Christian von Thaden
      Dr. Christian von Thaden
      Managing Partner & CEO
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